Yellow journalism is either writing a story that is based on fact but is not necessarily true; or writing sensational headlines in order to get readers; or both. It was started by a man named Joseph Pulitzer. who remarkably now has a prize named after him. Pulitzer wrote scandalous, thrilling stories. His rival was William Randolph Hearst. Hearst wrote for the New York Journal. He often tried to top Pulitzers headlines and stories. The two reporters often focused on Cuba. Going on about the practices with the prisoners and about how there was blood everywhere. In fact they even made a comic about the practice of yellow journalism. It was called the yellow kid.
The theme that yellow journalism represents is "Economics drove the expansion." Once again I don't know what they where expanding to but economics drove it. They wanted people to buy their newspaper. Buying things is drives the economy. Economy sounds kinda like Economics. Therefore, yellow journalism represents this theme.
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Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Fox News- History often repeats itself
The theme that Fox News represents is "Economics drove the expansion." Expansion to where I am not quite sure, but economics completely drove it. They make sensational stories to get viewers, therefore money.
Isolationism- Where we don't get invovled.
Isolation is when we do not get involved with other countries. Because we are a country of following orders. President Washington told us not to get involved because things could get ugly. So we Americans stood silently. Watching from the sidelines. God, I feel like I am in advisory, talking about STAND and stuff like that. I heart advisory.
Isolation goes against the theme "Foreign version of Manifest Destiny." This is due to the fact that we did not go off and expand our so called "greatness" on the rest of the world. Instead, we just stood on the sidelines watching wars, won and lost. Of course after all that happened we took over.
Isolation goes against the theme "Foreign version of Manifest Destiny." This is due to the fact that we did not go off and expand our so called "greatness" on the rest of the world. Instead, we just stood on the sidelines watching wars, won and lost. Of course after all that happened we took over.
Imperalism is when a nation builds an empire by taking over political and economical control of people. An example of this is Napoleon, a fellow short person. But, that is besides the point. What I am getting to is that America stood as a bystander. We didn't do anything as France, England, and other countries made an empire for themselves. No, we took the advice of our president George Washington, who warned us not to get involved with foreign affairs. Later in time though, we looked back at the advice as more of... guidelines per say. We began to take on more of a foreign manifest destiny. This was after conquering the Manifest Destiny. We began to look at expansion into foreign nations.
This is an example of the theme "Foreign version of Manifest Destiny." This is because the Western Frontier was conquered. We then spread to foreign nations in order to look like we were expanding America's views. We had a duty to expand our greatness.
This is an example of the theme "Foreign version of Manifest Destiny." This is because the Western Frontier was conquered. We then spread to foreign nations in order to look like we were expanding America's views. We had a duty to expand our greatness.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Alaska- Another place I will not go
Open Door Policy- where the door is ajar
JUST IN CASE: I think I forgot to metion this before China is an amazing country
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The Spheres of Influence-
China emerged from an unsuccesful war in the late 1800s. So the other countries decided to take advantage of China. That was really mean of them. I don't want to single out anyone but Japan and many European countries were ones that tried to take advantage. They forced sweet, innocent China to give them land and trade rights. Horrible, bad countries they were. They decided to split China into spheres of infuelence. Spheres of influence is where a country has power over a economics and politics.
This is an example of the theme "Economic intrests drove the expansion." This is because the other countries just wanted free land and money. Woah it sounds funny to say free money. Anyway the expansion was just made up of other countries trying to take advantage of China's weakness. That is just like the foxes killing the little, hurt bunny.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Dollar Diplomacy- Diplomacy on the cheap
Taft was a big proponent of dollar diplomacy. Dollar diplomacy was the idea that economics was the best way of expanding American influence. He used American businesses and banks to invest in Asia (best continent) and Latin America. Dollar diplomacy led to Roosevelt's big stick. This happened when a revolution in Nicaragua. The US sent in troops to protect their investments. No, not the people, the INVESTMENTS. Shame on us greedy Americans.
Dollar diplomacy is an example of the theme "Economic interests drove the expansion." This is because when Nicaragua was in trouble we went to protect the investments. THE INVESTMENTS!!!!!
Dollar diplomacy is an example of the theme "Economic interests drove the expansion." This is because when Nicaragua was in trouble we went to protect the investments. THE INVESTMENTS!!!!!
Protectorate- a mix of Progess, tectonic plates, and decorating
It is an example of the theme "Foreign version of Manifest Destiny." America put itself in charge of Cuba. This was America spreading the notion of greatness to Cuba. Now American expansion had spread to a foreign nation.
Queen Liliuokilani- The power of a name
Liliuokalani WAS the queen of Hawaii. She was a strong supporter of Hawaiian Independence. Unlike her brother, she wanted to restore the monarchy and reduce the influence of outside nations. Liliuokalani was also an advocate of many female causes. These include, a female college, a maternity home, and a woman's bank.
Liliuokalani shows the other side of " The American pursuit of freedom was seen as something that seemed to only apply to America." This is because American expansion was threatening the way she ran her country. Apparently the US went through with the threat because Hawaii became a territory of the United States.
Liliuokalani shows the other side of " The American pursuit of freedom was seen as something that seemed to only apply to America." This is because American expansion was threatening the way she ran her country. Apparently the US went through with the threat because Hawaii became a territory of the United States.
Hawaii- A Place I Will Probably Never Go
Hawaii was the 50th state to "join" the union. It is made up of five little islands in the North Pacific. Hawaii is know throughout the world for its beauty, sunshine, and beaches. To the US it is known as a military base. The islanders used to live in peace, then we came. First, there were the missionaries trying to "convert" the native people. Then, after that didn't work out for us we started sugar plantations.
Of course, being the nice people that we are,we thought that Hawaii should be ours.We got 50 marines to override the queen and set up a pro Of course, it's illegal to do this. so, President Cleavland rejected a proposal to annex Hawaii. Later, President McKinley singed a treaty to annex it. Hawaii became the 50th state of the US.
Hawaii represents the "Turner Thesis." This is because Americans wanted to "tame" the natives and bring Christian values to them. Also the space that Hawaii provided was the new frontier that America had conquered.
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