Monday, January 25, 2010

Hawaii- A Place I Will Probably Never Go

Hawaii was the 50th state to "join" the union. It is made up of five little islands in the North Pacific. Hawaii is know throughout the world for its beauty, sunshine, and beaches. To the US it is known as a military base. The islanders used to live in peace, then we came. First, there were the missionaries trying to "convert" the native people. Then, after that didn't work out for us we started sugar plantations.
   Of course, being the nice people that we are,we thought that Hawaii should be ours.We got 50 marines to override the queen and set up a pro Of course, it's illegal to do this. so,  President Cleavland rejected a proposal to annex Hawaii. Later, President McKinley singed a treaty to annex it. Hawaii became the 50th state of the US.
    Hawaii represents the "Turner Thesis." This is because Americans wanted to "tame" the natives and bring Christian values to them. Also the space that Hawaii provided was the new frontier that America had conquered.

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