Thursday, January 28, 2010

Yellow Journalism

Yellow journalism is either writing a story that is based on fact but is not necessarily true; or writing sensational headlines in order to get readers; or both. It was started by a man named Joseph Pulitzer. who remarkably now has a prize named after him. Pulitzer wrote scandalous, thrilling stories. His rival was William Randolph Hearst. Hearst wrote for the New York Journal. He often tried to top Pulitzers headlines and stories. The two reporters often focused on  Cuba. Going on about the practices with the  prisoners  and about how there was blood everywhere. In fact they even made a comic about the practice of yellow journalism. It was called the yellow kid.
   The theme that yellow journalism represents is "Economics drove the expansion." Once again I don't know what they where expanding to but economics drove it. They wanted people to buy their newspaper. Buying things is drives the economy. Economy sounds kinda like Economics. Therefore, yellow journalism represents this theme.

Picture from:

1 comment:

  1. I am not surprised. You were the first one to take the chance of a blog, the first one to really do something different with it, and the first one to embed it as a part of your learning experience. I think you need to continue this with your foray into World War I. You could do some great things with all there is out there in terms of opinions and thoughts on World War I and the integration of your own voice. You can really do great things, revolutionary things, and the type of things that don't just distinguish you into a great student, but one worthy of the title of "scholarship." In the highest and most reverential of senses, I would consider placing this title upon your broad intellectual shoulders if you decided to continue this blog into WWI and beyond.
    I hope you accept this challenge.

    Simply exquisite work here, kiddo!
    Mr. Kannan
