Monday, January 25, 2010

Dollar Diplomacy- Diplomacy on the cheap

   Taft was a big proponent of dollar diplomacy. Dollar diplomacy was the idea that economics was the best way of expanding American influence. He used American businesses  and banks to invest in Asia (best continent) and Latin America. Dollar diplomacy led to Roosevelt's big stick. This happened when a revolution in Nicaragua. The US sent in troops to protect their investments. No, not the people, the INVESTMENTS. Shame on us greedy Americans.
   Dollar diplomacy is an example of the theme "Economic interests drove the expansion." This is because when Nicaragua was in trouble we went to protect the investments. THE INVESTMENTS!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Greetings-
    Quick question: Do you think we have dollar diplomacy today?
    Just something to keep in mind for your future posts.
    Mr. Kannan
