The Woman's Chrisitian Temperance Union was formed in 1874. Frances Willard became the president of it in 1879. She was big on having state laws ban the sale of liquor. She worked hard to close saloons and bars. Willard also joined the suffrage movement and brought many women in the WCTU with her.
Carry Nation took a more, physical approach to the matter. She chose to walk into saloons with a hatchet and smash beer kegs. This won her much publicity, but it caused embarrassment to the WCTU.
After many years of effort, WCTU leaders convinced Congress to pass the 18th amendment. That amendment banned the sale and consumption (eating and drinking) of alcohol. It was ratified in 1919.
The theme that the WCTU represents is "Power comes from the top up." This is due to the fact that the leaders of the WCTU inspired others to join the cause. They also public spoke and got the crowd involved. The WCTU realized that they had the power, and that the government would do what
they wanted. It worked as well, which is very important when you are trying to get something done. As stated before, the 18th amendment was passed. Of course the 21st amendment changed all that, but the 18th amendment was still passed.