Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Spoils System- How dumb are we?

   The spoils system was put into effect during the Age of Jackson. That's right ANDREW JACKSON! Don't kill me. Please, please, please don't kill me. Actually you can't kill me, it's illegal. Well , anyway moving on, the spoils system gave government jobs to the President's supporters. Of course, there are only so many government jobs to go around. So there are a bunch of angry people in Washington (adding to the many angry people there already are).  This became so intense that a crestfallen supporter actually shot a president. Bit too much if you ask me.
   The spoils system represents the theme "To the victors belong the spoils." This phrase was said by a Jackson critic. This thing states that if one has won, then all it is fair. In the spoils system, when a president wins the election, all his supporters win as well. In a perfect world of course. If your president wins, then you win. Basically, what the spoils system is.

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