Friday, January 15, 2010

The Right to Vote Does Not Make Us Equal

   In 1920 the 19th amendment was passed. This came after tons of hard work put in by suffragettes. The National Woman Suffrage Association was started by two very smart ladies. The two ladies were Elizabeth  Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. Both women spoke all over the country and were sometimes jailed for it. 
   However in the West, some women already had the right to vote. Their states were intelligent. They knew of the hard-work that their women put in. Wyoming even refused to join the Union if the US would not allow their women to vote. Actually, I am very surprised that Wyoming even had enough people to join.
   Anyway, after the first generation of suffragettes died or got sick or whatever, joined the cause. A lady called Carrie Chapman Catt (the triple C or the CCC) made a very detailed plan to get the vote. All the suffragettes followed her plan and slowly the states allowed women to vote.
    The suffragettes are an example of the theme "Power comes from the bottom up." This is due to the fact that the government did not recognize that women deserved the right. In fact they were the last to realize it. Also, the suffragettes wrote and spoke to the public. They got women across the country involved. So many, that the government had to say yes.

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