Saturday, January 16, 2010

City Bosses

City Bosses. Not country bosses, CITY BOSSES. Is that clear? Anyway city bosses, were bad, no-good, lying, thieving people. Understood? They made themselves popular basically through bribery. Sure they handed out turkeys at Thanksgiving, but then they took money out of your paycheck. Now which would you rather have. A turkey or money? The Bosses (it sounds like a television show on TLC, Anna's favorite channel) also handed out coal at Christmas. Sounds to me like they are calling their workers bad children. Because of this, the workers often voted for the bosses' favorite candidate.
The City Bosses represent the theme "America was moving forward, going nowhere." This is because only they made money during this time. I would like to pointe out that this is because they stole money out of the workers paychecks and basically made life not worth living. No more Mr. NiceGuy now punk. The bosses were the 1% of America that held the wealth. Really nice of you to share it with the rest of us.

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