Sunday, March 7, 2010

Two Words

This is the part where I ATEMPT to describe the source in two words. Okay... First atempt.

The words Simple and Disowned:

Simple. I chose this word because that is basically the word that tells about people at the time. According to Reed, most people at the time were simple or ordinary. There were only an few elite people at the time. The rest were SIMPLE!  There was also a SIMPLE problem. We were in war. Of course, we DISOWNED the problem. Another thing is that WWI was not as SIMPLE as we thought it was. In fact there was much more that was under the suraface. Like secret alliances and money and other fun stuff like that.

There is a line that Reed says repeatably. "This is not our war." That shows us DISOWNING the war. Of course that could mean that we sound slightly unpatriotic but... what isn't ours isn't ours. You know what I am saying?

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